Zankyou no terror art style
Zankyou no terror art style


On the side, you can be intrigued by Kagetane’s legitimately fascinating character until you’re rudely reminded that you’re watching a shitty wish fulfillment story.

zankyou no terror art style

If its pitiful attempts to make you think Rentaro is an underdog don’t amuse you, then its sickening attempts to make you cry by torturing and murdering adorable lolis will. I consider myself to be a connoisseur of hatewatchable stuff, so I feel it my duty to give this award to Black Bullet. Best so-bad-it’s-good anime: Black Bullet Even the struggles of the side characters mean something to you, as the author’s just as good at developing Sakuma as he is Smile. Ping Pong’s subtle messages on competition really drive home that this is about more than just a simple game. But somewhere along the line, you get caught up in how seriously these athletes take the game. It’s hard to believe that an anime about fucking competitive table tennis could be so engaging. It heavily implies that all men want nothing more than to rape women all day and that all women respond positively to superficial comments regarding their physical appearance. In addition, it’s incredibly misogynistic, even more so than most anime. Ignoring the obvious utilitarian implications, anyone who could pass a psych 101 test could tell you that people aren’t better off as NEETs. However, if that’s not enough for you, you can focus on the fact that it’s basically telling NEETs to not try and improve their lives. If you want to bash No Game no Life, you can focus on the fact that it’s incredibly boring and spends more time on fanservice than on anything interesting. Most Morally Reprehensible Anime: No Game No Life If you need a good laugh, Nozaki-kun is my best recommendation. There are some standout moments, such as the visual novel scene, that I find absolutely hilarious. Its tactic of amplifying the usual shoujo misunderstandings to an absurd degree was done with enough variation that each episode at least made me chuckle.

zankyou no terror art style

Unlike Hozuki (and basically every anime comedy in existence), there was never a point where Nozaki-kun stopped being entertaining for me. It could have been so much more, but sadly, what we got was first-draft levels of writing.


However, the resulting series made a disgraceful attempt at including anti-heroes, developed characters that didn’t need to be there, and just generally had a poorly planned out plot. The premise was far more interesting than your average moe story and the animations were superb. And believe me, Terror does an excellent job of setting expectations high.

zankyou no terror art style

All of my expectations for Terror were set by the first few episodes. Most Disappointing Anime: Zankyou no Terror Sure, it ends on a nice note and Hozuki is a fascinating character throughout, but there are better comedies on this list.

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I hardly laughed at anything after about episode five or so. The problem is that, about halfway through, it runs out of steam.


It takes the slice-of-life genre and subverts it by making it about a demon who spends his free time watering his goldfish plants, which is brilliant. On second thought, maybe I should have made it a top four list?Īdmittedly, Hozuki no Reitetsu isn’t that bad. This list is supposed to be a happy occasion, so I’ll stop dragging it down with my cynicism. I have to wonder if I could have assembled a top ten list for past years or if 2014 was just an incredibly shitty year for anime. Hence, what you see here is merely a top five list. When I started aniblogging about a year back, I said to myself “Next year, I can write a top ten list, just like all the cool anibloggers.” It was a nice notion, but sadly, writing a top ten list requires that I like ten anime in a year.

Zankyou no terror art style